Got a question that's not listed here? Feel free to ask us on Discord or in the forums!
General FAQ
- Where can I buy a MYO?
MYO slots are sold during certain events and will be available for purchase in shops as a yearly option once the site is out of its beta phase. Real money sales will occur at random points as I deem necessary.
- Do I need to be on the website to own a Mahoubae?
Yes, we kindly request that you have an account on the website to own a Mahoubae. This requirement makes it easier to verify that users are 20 years old or above, both for owning a Mahoubae and for the ML (Masterlist). If you wish to trade, sell, or gift a Mahoubae to another user, they must either be willing to sign up for the site or already have an account. However, we understand that there may be exceptional cases where a user is uncomfortable with signing up. If you fall into this category, please contact Hyexur on TH/Discord to discuss the possibility of an exception.
- Does my MahouBae need to be 20 years old or above?
Yes, this is a strict rule, and breaking it will result in a ban. You're welcome to make your MahouBae any age above 20.
- Can I sell onsite currency for USD or trade it?
No, selling onsite currency is not permitted. However, you can trade it with other users on the site. Any users found selling or buying onsite currency will receive a strike. We do not sell currency and appreciate your cooperation in respecting this rule.
You are more than allowed to offer items,currency etc for art, or trade it for designs or myo slots etc. If you are unsure on something please feel free to ask.
- Do I need to follow fluff lore/canon, etc.?
If you choose to participate in the prompts and games, we kindly request that you follow the lore or at least stay close to it. However, if you prefer not to take part in the games, you're free to remove your MahouBae from any lore and shape their story as you wish. Please note that not following the canon lore does not exempt you from adhering to our rules when it comes to editing your MahouBae, adding alterations, etc. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that you're allowed to have multiple Alternate Universes (AU) for your MahouBae, which means you can freely participate in prompts and have alternative stories for them.
- How do I earn currency for items?
You can earn currency through events, dailies, prompts, and more. We're continuously working on introducing new ways for users to earn onsite items and currency. If you have any suggestions for additional methods you'd like to see, feel free to let us know.
- Can MahouBae be any size/shape, etc.?
Absolutely! MahouBae can come in any size you prefer. Even if the base adopt doesn't match the size you have in mind, you're free to draw them in the size that suits your personal taste. No item is required for this change; simply message us when you're done, and we'll update the image on the ML accordingly.
- When will MahouBae be out of beta?
MahouBae will exit beta once we've implemented the majority of the features and shops. This process will take time and effort. We also need to ensure that most of the written errors, spelling mistakes, and other issues are taken care of before the official release.
- NPCS / NPC Art etc!
NPCs are designs used around Mahoubae to populate its world. Some of them are owned by admins with permission to keep their use on-site, while others are owned by Mahoubae (HYEXUR). You're welcome to draw NPCs in place of your own designs for contests, events, prompts, etc. If you want to know who owns the NPC, you can look up the tag on the masterlist. Please note, we encourage people who do not have a bae for use in events/contests/prompts to instead draw fan art of a friend or other member. (Please ask them or check their profile to make sure fan works are alright before doing so.) Since NPCs can be owned by admins, please ask the admin before drawing NSFW/Shipping etc. art.
Lore FAQ
- Magical abilities?
During their time in Raise, MahouBae possess limited magical abilities. However, in the mortal world, where they do their jobs, they can showcase impressive magical feats. Feel free to make their abilities as powerful as you like, drawing inspiration from the over-the-top magic seen in 90s anime.
- Time periods and Mortal realms?
Your MahouBae can come from any universe (including licensed media universes, as long as the Mahoubae is an OC and not Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh only as a Mahoubae etc etc. Inspiration is fine and loved, but make sure it’s not a 1 for 1 if possible.) and any time period you desire. This includes medieval settings if that's what you prefer. However, when they come to Raise, the modern-day setting may be a bit of a culture shock for them. The concept of mortal realms encompasses various universes, so you have the freedom to create different worlds as you imagine them.
- Wands?
MahouBae often have unique wands designed specifically for them. While some adoptables may already come with a predefined wand, you're free to edit and modify your wand as you please. No item or special permission is required for this customization. However, it's important to avoid directly copying licensed media wands or someone else's design. In the future, there will be a shop where you can purchase premade wands.
- OFBs, Reapers, Admins, Floor managers, etc.?
OFB stands for "Office Baes," which is the default job for all MahouBae. They typically work in office buildings unless they are engaged in fieldwork in a mortal realm. Reapers are responsible for guiding spirits to their destinations. They are MahouBae who have advanced in rank over the years and are tasked with recruiting more MahouBae to Raise. Raise has multiple buildings, referred to as "different branches," specifically designated for OFBs, reapers, and others. Each branch has several floors, managed by a floor manager, and overseen by an admin. After 500 years of working as an OFB, MahouBae have the option to retire, either moving on to the afterlife or continuing to work in Raise in a different role, such as cafe owner or wand maker. SC.Corp manages a wide range of jobs in Raise. While being an OFB is the most common, you're free to choose a different profession for your MahouBae, with the exception of admins or floor managers.
You can read more about Job titles here, as well as submit a claim here if you want a Mahoubae to have their job listed in the titles area.
- Spirit forms?
When defeated in battle or too weak to maintain their full form, MahouBae transform into small wisps known as spirit forms. These forms retain their ears and eyes but lack other physical features. Spirit forms have the ability to pass through objects and quickly escape danger until a Reaper or other OFBs come to assist them and return them home. The soul gem remains at the center of their spirit form for protection.
- Magical Pets?
There are various pets available for MahouBae that can assist them in their work. While the shop for these pets is not yet open, users will eventually be able to purchase premade pets. Unique pets that are one-of-a-kind and can only be bought by one person will be available, as well as less unique pets that can be purchased by multiple users.
- Can my MahouBae be evil or bad?
Absolutely! It's not uncommon for a MahouBae to turn out to be less than kind. You're free to make your character as good or evil as you wish. If your MahouBae chooses to go rogue, they no longer work and instead wander the mortal realms or hide in Raise City. Other MahouBae are required to report and turn them in. They earn money via the Dark Market, either selling goods or services as needed.